Public Option, Now! Single Payer, My Prayer. #hcr #healthcare #p2 #topprog
Britons Unite To Defend Their National Health Service
The UK Health Service is loudly defended
As American conservatives tear it down.
It’s so revered that even Tories are offended:
How dare land of doctor fee slight the Crown.
Now even Stephen Hawking joined in the fray,
Insulted by claims unsupported and public attacks;
Fired back “without NHS wouldn’t be here today.”
National health attackers were tagged as quacks.
Claiming Senator Kennedy was not getting care
From publicly run services: answer, false:
True, if our current system is left in disrepair --
If we continue dancing “Stop Obama Waltz”.
Most of us agree we need a change,
So listening to noisy sicko’s very strange.
Public Option Villanelle #1
Do not drop public health option please!
The ill and poor can find no sweeter path:
Cause not the faith in the change to cease.
Ignore all the screaming news scum sleaze,
Though harsh words cut forked lightning swath;
Malicious minorities attempting mean squeeze.
Consider those idiots a mangy dog’s fleas
Remember the elections and do the math,
The great majority with real change are at peace.
The insurance and health industries are keys
To the well funded anti-change path:
Change allergy, lower profits, makes’em sneeze.
So go not quietly into health care disease
Confront the politicians with your wrath
No single payer or public option does displease.
Go not quietly into ill health and disease
Confront conservatives with your wrath!
Use your needs and numbers to squeeze:
Go not quietly into ill health and disease.
Demand Public Option Right - Villanelle #2
Go not quietly into unhealthy night
While health industry vultures
Put profits over our uncovered plight.
The moneyed powers with media might
Orchestrating siren song overtures
Confusing many cause mass fear to ignite.
With puppets like Beck, not so bright,
One wishes for strong mouth sutures
For those idiots that the FOX naïve delight.
It’s clear that those Republicans, the right,
Are concerned for wacko base futures:
For more reasonable party hacks a plight.
As to criticism of Obama, no end in sight,
Because of racist and fascist cultures:
The loss of power by bigots who are white.
Whatever one thinks of this difficult fight,
The multitudes who voted were apertures.
Do not give up to lies or political fright
Go not quietly: demand public option right.
Literatwit Revival #poetry #twitwall #sonnet
Like tweet poetry, lean left or liberal?
Enjoy words in varied forms of verse?
Follow @elmonte09 for wit diverse
It’ll always have a view not quite amoral.
These poems started as a twitter game
And TwitWall became the main site.
The views hit thousands, what delight.
Twitter blocked for TOS. How lame.
The previous tag @aureliom was blocked
But TwitWall went ahead and saved
Poems in hundreds over which he slaved
To write and edit. Friends were shocked.
So now elmonte09 carries on with wit.
If interested, add follow, as twitter bit.
The Health Insurance Alka-Seltzer
Drop, Drop, Recizz, Recizz,
Oh what a relief it is.
Got a tumor, new malignant growth?
Sorry, pre-existing, to cover it we’re loathe.
Drop, Drop, Recizz, Recizz,
Oh what a relief it is.
Your wife is diabetic, your pain is chronic?
Dialisis costs dearly: rest for her, you try tonic.
Drop, Drop, Recizz, Recizz,
Oh what a relief it is.
Your dying parent needs hospice care?
Home’s filled with paying folks, no spare.
Drop, Drop, Recizz, Recizz,
Oh what a relief it is.
Where’d people get ideas so crazy and infirm;
Health Insurance is for protection, long term?
Drop, Drop, Recizz, Recizz,
Oh what a relief it is.
Rescission’s how to make profits to the max:
All major ills pre-exist, give that bill the ax.
Just Chuck Beck and Grassley #hcr #healthcare #p2 #topprog
Grassley brings Glenn Beck’s book to town hall meeting to ‘pass it on.’
Our Senator from Iowa called Chuck
Is now a critic pleased to pass the Beck.
His hope is clear: Obamas plan to fuck
With books that stir with lies and wreck.
One thing is clear about their dual hopes:
Dumb Glenn and Chuck are spreading lies
With populist veneer while party’s on the ropes.
Their side, Big Bucks, was trimmed to size.
The “Common Sense” we need is dialogue,
Not screaming crazies, whether real or feigned.
Campaign to muddle with nonsense monologue
Reminds of times when Nazi power reigned.
Some fears are honest, understood with logic,
But smear campaigns are tactics hyperbolic.
Newt Not Cute: Change-of-Consultation #hcr #healthcare #p2 #topprog
Matt Taibbi Taibblog
Newt Gingrich Changes What’s Left of his Mind on End-of-life Care
He praised advance care planning, did Newt;
And gloated over hospice and palliative care.
But anti- to Democrat’s suggestions, not cute:
Now Gingrich spreads party lies, feeds the scare.
He loved Gunderson “Advance Directives” in La Crosse;
No objection to those end-of-life consultations.
Now the party wants to scare old folks and come across
As the warning signal about govmint aberrations.
If Newt could influence the current congress on health,
And repeated his thoughts from the PBS query of late,
He’d march with Obama not slink in Republican stealth:
But he must join the Palins and Steeles, damn straight.
He’s not the Gingrich that stole the health plan:
Just newt: short-legged salamander. Pity the man.
Gingrich responding to a PBS query:
“Let me give you an example that I find fascinating. In LaCrosse, Wisc., the Gundersen Lutheran Hospital system is, according to the Dartmouth [Atlas of Health Care], the least expensive place in America for the last two years of life. They have an advanced directive program, and over 90 percent of their patients have an advanced directive.
And Now Let Us Praise…#hcr #healthcare #p2 #topprog
Herbert Hale is Indian Lakota in sonnet I praise;
A hero he is but you would doubt if you saw
The life that he leads as he ekes out his solitary days
In log cabin shack that he owns in the res: life is raw.
He twice saw VietNam, his patriotic duty to do
For a country that sees him as fodder for canon.
In his current abode he has benefits few,
Not even a tribal income – shameful abandon.
The home so bare is defended as adequate.
Yet with brain tumor this man has no support.
Seventeen dollars a week is the aggregate
Of the service he’s given to us. Some report.
This American hero living alone and abject,
Indicts conservative idiots who justice reject
Crash Diet to Crush Reform. Amen. #hcr #healthcare #p2 #topprog
Bachmann: Prayer and fasting will help defeat health care reform
Joining all the millions fasting by circumstance
Of poverty and need, Michelle Bachman prays
For health care reform defeat, a disgrace
When considering the poor needing sustenance.
This pro-life anti-change proponent seems not to care
For families before, during and after giving birth,
Those lacking insurance and with financial dearth.
She continues to spread lies and oldsters to scare.
Skipping meals is dramatic for someone well fed;
The families, old folks and children undernourished
So used to starving don’t look up as camera’s flourished
While U.S. Congress rep makes the news, pounds shed.
Fasting tradition has predecessors like Gandhi,
But for Bachman, it’s a phony modus operandi.
Try to Remember and the Present Dismember… #hcr #healthcare #p2 #topprog
(This is satire, gang, OK?)
I Want MY America Back: The Good Old Days Judge H. Lee Sarokin
Those were the good old days before the feds
Were in our lives: no medicare, no checks
For unemployment nor help with all our meds:
No minimum wage nor OSHA saving necks.
If banks would fail, depositors lost money:
If products killed our kin, it’s buyer’s fault.
We hate the gov’mint for “don’t smoke, honey”
Let me enjoy my cancer, white sugar and my salt.
Those bureaucrats build ponds and dams and roads:
Let good old business take the lead on that:
Let policing and firemen be free-market loads:
On broad for-profit shoulders feed a fat cat.
We pine for past when slavery was legal,
When women knew their place, and man was regal.
Grand Old Phantoms: Cult Crisis #hcr #healthcare #p2 #topprog Edit
Grand Old Phantoms: Cult Crisis #hcr #healthcare #p2 #topprog
The Republican Party Is Turning Into A Cult
The party of Lincoln becoming a cult? Oh my.
Delusions and lying hucksters are the drivers.
Appealing to the plebes darkest fears is their cry
To those seeing themselves as poor white survivors.
From birthers to deathers and tea baggers in between
The party is scraping bottom of the melting pot.
With shallow patriotic slogans and pricks to the spleen
It’s stirring nativists, militias and keeping them hot.
Republicans and the south in serious numbers
Believe the outright lies and fear enemy phantoms:
The acquiescing leadership of bumblers
Are all slipping to slimy ethical bottoms.
The danger of this is there is no distance or space
From loose gun assassins: Republicans, a disgrace.
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