Saturday, August 29, 2009

Crazy Repubs, RightNuts & PopFascists #republicans #rightwingcrazies #sonnets PLZ RT

Crazy Repubs, RightNuts & PopFascists

White Fright = Right Might
Right-wingers are always eager to dismiss the existence -- and the threat -- of far-right extremists

The public voice Republican denies
The crazies number large in party plan.
Supremacist connections they minimize
While anti socialism fires they fan.

Frustration of poor whites has always been
A right wing button pushed effectively.
Though publicly they never claim to mean
Attacks on race, they do, surreptitiously.

Denying the militia surge and violence
That’s threatened by messages and guns
Is stark hypocrisy, transparent somnolence:
A Southern strategy denial that stuns.

Those “Town Hall” blasts that echo loud tea sorties:
Don’t play it dumb: they’re really lynching parties

(Un) Scientific War of the (Right Wing) Worlds
Right Wing War on Science

Research can’t run on air or imaginary fuel;
A rigorous study requires money to be carried out.
U.S. has been supportive as a rule,
Political bias and interests influence, no doubt.

A scientist is free to set the focus
And direction of a project deemed important.
But if the funder has agendas, it changes the locus
Of power on what to study and the slant.

Politics puts science values to a test
In topics considered politically taboo.
Some researcher’s ethics are interred to rest :
Abortion, AIDS and condoms: no can do.

Science is not inured to ethical battles;
Investigators tremble to Right’s saber rattles.

Warning Shots
Southern Poverty Law Center warns of growing militias groups

The anti-government groups are growing.
The hope is these are final dying gasps,
Of hate-filled fringe’s ill wind blowing:
One last stand that Nazi friend clasps.

The audience for Governor Perry’s secession,
Has suffered economically yet fails
To see the parallel class and color oppression.
To any demagogue appeal: All Hails!

The health burning lava spewn in town halls
Is symptom of heat at the core, now encouraged
By media hucksters, urging attack of D.C. walls.
Not resting until Democrats are dislodged.

Though extremists and terrorists are few in number
The two sides’ moderate majority mustn’t slumber.

Beck Back-Stabs Paine

Don't Buy this Book - It's a Sham, August 10, 2009

The book I’ll never buy, but enjoyed the review.
Mazenko’s crisp “Don’t buy this book” of Beck’s
Is essay clear with a commonsensical view:
It’s travesty to pair Paine with Glenn’s wrecks.

Progressive taxation and liberal thought made sense
Most basic to Thomas and shocked he would be
To be put in the camp of the wealthy: bald offense.
With elitist theocrats he certainly didn’t agree.

His ‘crisis’ would be to understand how his book
Was used with its meaning turned upside down.
Preaching anti-government he never would brook,
Inequality of class he fought with renown.

The title ‘inspired’ this truth twisting hack,
Who with no civil sense stabbed Paine in the back.

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